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miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013

RSM greetings to the argentinian act of the LGBTTQI community and the left against anti-gay laws of Putin and the attacks homo-lesbo-transphobes of Occupy Pedofilyaj

Dear comrades! 

After democratic protests against Putin’s regime we faced with a conservative turn in the government politics. They try to legitimate themselves producing barbaric conservative laws. They try to distract the people of Russia from social and political problems and turn the anger to immigrants and LGBT. They try to put to sleep the people of Russia with orthodox religion ideology in schools, universities and media. But we know that they will not success. We will have new social protests and rebellions. And we will build new society, equal for all people, without distinction of gender, nationality or sexuality. Thank you for solidarity and opposing homophobic laws in Russia!

Russian Socialist Movement (RSM)

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