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viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014


Dear Comrades, 

On behalf of the New Left Current for the Communist Liberation and the Communist Liberation Youth we send you our warm greetings and we wish you all the best for your conference! We send you our deep solidarity to the working class and the struggling people of Argentina. We are very concerned with the situation in Argentina, the advanced political role of the Left and Workers Front (FIT) and the empowerment of the social current for an anticapitalist overthrow. Since 2008 and by the eruption of the global structural crisis of the capitalist system which has led to tragic, all - embracing impacts to the workers and the people worldwide, the class combative forces of the labour movement, the political front of the anticapitalist left and especially those forces referring to revolutionary Marxism and a renewed communist perspective face new challenges and will be judged by their tactic and the concrete programmatic answers towards the concrete situation in each social formation and internationally. Generally speaking, the crucial question of our era is the following: Where will this crisis lead us? To a new era of barbarism serving the system of exploitation where all freedoms, rights and conquests of the working people will be eliminated? Or to the struggle for the overthrow of the capital policies and governments with the aim to raise the living standards of the working people and create new paths of social liberation that will ultimately bring the wealth and power to the labour forces through revolution, in a new attempt for the socialist transformation and the communist perspective of the 21st century?

The forces of the capital respond in a similar way globally, deepening capitalist exploitation for working class, which now works cheaper, with no fixed working hours and insurance, with almost no rights and a union movement which in its mainstream bureaucratized trends is weak and always ready to compromise with capital. Unemployment is becoming a real scourge for the societies, especially for the youth, while the social provisions and the rights to education; health and housing are being seriously challenged. Furthermore, public spaces, natural resources and infrastructures are being privatized, creating irreversible damages to the environment. Freedoms and civil rights of decades are being undermined, while nationalism, racism, fascism, militarism are being reinforced in an attempt to divide the working class and to ensure the dominance of the capital. 

Moreover, this capitalist attack comes with the undermining of the independence of people in favor of supranational-imperialist organizations and centers. More specifically, a crucial role play the imperialist centers, with the leading role of the US-EU-NATO and imperialist organizations such as the IMF and the World Bank, the G20, etc. These imperialist forces, despite their differences, organize the promoted policies and their alliances with the full accord and cooperation of the bourgeoisie classes of each country. Under these conditions, the working people and the youth in Greece have to confront with the social impacts and the cruel reality of the Memoranda and the measures imposed by the IMF, the EU and European Central Bank with the full accord of the Greek government coalition. During the last years, Greece has gone through a remarkable sequence of struggles, with general strikes, mass rallies, street clashes, and several occupations! All these fights have shown to us that we must turn our back to the defeatism and fatalism! They say that austerity measures are inescapable. We say that there is also another path, the path of the struggling with escalating strikes, and a radical anticapitalist political program, which can defeat the capital forces and lead the working people to new conquests. But in order to achieve this, we believe that a new labour movement is necessary: We need mass general assemblies at the unions, strike committees and coordination of rank and file unions, against the trade union bureaucracy.

Our attempts for the class recomposition of the Labour Movement are based on our general concept for the need of a “left anticapitalist front” in order to politicize and orient the radical political current in society on the immediate political goal we have set, that is confronting and overthrowing of the bourgeois attack, smashing neo-fascism and neo-nazi gangs like Golden Dawn and imposing an anticapitalist and anti-imperialist program. This political current calls for united action all the struggling forces of the left but is hostile to the compromised “left” forces and political projects like SYRIZA that want to manage capitalist crisis inside European Union and Eurozone through government regulation without the cancelation of the basic options of the capitalists and the EU.

The political front of ANTARSYA (Anticapitalist Left Cooperation for the Overthrow” – ANTARSYA) promotes an anticapitalist orientation, propounding an anticapitalist, transitional program, which is essential for the survival of the Greek society. This program in order to be implemented in its entirety requires the anticapitalist overthrow and the passage to a new socialist path. For an anticapitalist answer to the capitalist crisis, from the working people’s view. In order to overturn the agreement of the government – EU – IMF – capital, to overthrow all the measures – laws that have been imposed to Greece, in the name of the debt, the crisis and the attack of the capital generally. For the cancelation of the debt and the stop of payment! For the nationalization of the banks and the basic sectors of the economy! According to the EU treaties when a member–state is subjected to ‘supervision’ and is obliged to pay “its” debt, then decisions about its policy could be taken even without its consent. Euro, the common currency, means that there could be no independent economic policy instead of that imposed by the European Central Bank, the European and the Greek bourgeoisie. The European Union is now functioning as a junta, using the debt for the blackmailing of the Greek people in order to serve the forces of capital and imperialism. In this conjuncture, the exit from the Eurozone and the European Union is a basic political target for the anticapitalist and revolutionary left and a message that should also be sent in the forthcoming EU elections. In our opinion it is not possible to ‘reform’ the EU, the only way is the fight of the workers in each country for the anticapitalist exit from the EU and the common internationalist struggle for the dismantling of the EU. 

We strongly believe that there is a need and an opportunity for reestablishment of the liberating and revolutionary ideas, based on revolutionary Marxism, taking into consideration the heroic but also tragic moments, the victories and defeats of the revolutionary movement. We are heading towards the confrontations of our era with determination and optimism. With the inner strength carried out by our revolutionary legacy and the communist attempts of the past, continuing the circle opened by the October Revolution. Finding the hope in the popular revolts and struggles that take place nowadays all around the earth. We are determined that in these fights new social forces, as well as ideas and practices for the overthrow of capitalism can be born. For a new world without capitalist exploitation. fascism and wars, for communism!

Long live the internationalist solidarity of the peoples and workers!

NAR - New Left Current for the Communist Liberation
NKA - Communist Liberation Youth

Athens, Greece, 02.05.2014

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