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domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015



While FIT (Left Front) received more than 1 million 200 thousand votes in 2013, on Sunday it got just over 700 thousand. The right progressed, the left retreated. It is not only about Macri or Massa, but within kirchnerism himself, the pejotización [Partido Justicialista clearly controls the main political positions, displacing the ‘core kirchnerists’ groups, TN] is an obvious phenomenon: Scioli vindicated in his electoral night speech the historical PJ political operator Juan Carlos Mazzón. In this situation, the TPR call to vote Nicolás Del Caño for president, demanding his right to participate in a debate with the other presidential candidates. Emphasizing that he calls to vote blank if ballotage exists [most polls announce the outlook of a ballotage between Macri and Scioli, TN], which is actually a trap. In both cases, we will campaign actively, opposed to the method of "lazy vote" (merely declamatory and passively) that has characterized the centrism in electoral disputes (which demonstrates its failure to understand that the electoral struggle is an enhanced, concentrated form of the class struggle).

We reject abstention. The left has to campaign for Del Caño President: campaign to "fill Parliament with leftist deputies” (as both PO and PTS propose) objectively means capitulation to the candidates of adjustment, instead of giving a fierce discussion to each voter to vote Left Front complete list, in order to gain a firmly established FIT vote. Left Front vote plunge when there are executive elections. In the case of the recent Buenos Aires ballotage it mostly fled to Lousteau-UCR. It has proven to be too volatile. The revolutionaries may transform each vote on a militant commitment to an alternative power. The opposite is rotted electioneering and parliamentary cretinism.

It was always clear: the TPR votes for the Left Front (full list) in October against parties of adjustment and devaluation, no matter who are the candidates, and engage in that fight as much as FIT will allow us. That's why we always insist on that a presidential candidate against Scioli, Macri, Massa and Stolbizer should have been defined last year, instead of delaying the campaign.

First we proposed an Open Congress to overcome Left Front differences, but since all FIT parties boycotted it (PO-IS posed it in a propagandistic way just earlier this year, and PTS rejected it), we strongly supported the brave turn of PO leadership given PTS blackmails and ultimatums in the negotiations to organize the electoral lists. The fact that PO has decided not to accept the extortion and to struggle in the Primary Elections in order to impose a consistent policy towards the FIT has been healthy and invigorating. From our part, to get involved in an Primary Election without accepting its result would be typical attitude of an irresponsible sect: none of this has to do with us.

The defeat of Altamira is a historic retreat of FIT and of the unity of the fighters, but this wont be overcome with factionalism depoliticized but with rank-and-file committees of the Unit List [PO and IS list, TN]. And in general, fighting for the defense of the historical program of the PO. It partially turn from silence on the danger posed by PTS, to a slight denounce of the pro-kirchnerist PTS positions (what lead us to popularized them as "PTK"). However, Altamira was inconsistent on this, what could be seen for example, in the fact that he did not accept to go to TV debate with Del Caño to clarify the two orientations that were being discussed for the FIT. This is recognized as a mistake even by journalist Diego Rojas, a supporter of PO, and increasingly also by members of PO.

The vote against Altamira was driven by fractions of the Kirchner government and the media, who see him as the personification of the struggle against all dictatorial and democratic governments that plunged our people into misery, and the leader of the piquetero working class party of the Argentinazo. The vote for Del Caño is strategically strange to the struggle for socialism, revolution and workers' government: that is the content of the "renewal" goal promoted by PTS. The PO didn't go further in the discussion, nor did the PTS, so both depoliticized the debate, confusing the FIT voter on what was really at stake.

The media and kirchnerist militants celebrated the result of FIT primary election as a victory, some of them admit to have worked for that goal, and even warn that much of the vote to Del Caño, amid increasing polarization, will feed the FPV and Scioli. Therefore, we ratify, despite the centrist, anti-piquetero, democratizing and pro-kirchnerist nature of PTS, that it is necessary to promote Del Caño candidacy..

In 2011 and then in 2013, PO and FIT refused to organize an Open Congress (proposed by TPR) and accepted the rotten and closed negotiation terms of Pistonesi-Albamonte [leaders of PTS, TN], giving up to their maneuvers. Because of this, the PTS achieved visibility at the expense of PO national development. It was found that the FIT, in its original shape, was a pact against the Partido Obrero. Sunday's results reinforce this.

The enlargement of FIT to include all fighters, what we demand since it was constituted (without ideological distinction of any kind, but against capitalists blocs) was lately and partially attempted by PO and IS. It was a positive step, and so we were, along with Izquierda Socialista, the most emphatic on posing the need to include Pueblo en Marcha, CRCR, Pueblo Unido and other organizations at the assembly called by the forces that promoted a “wide left pole”. We are not part of FIT because none of the FIT parties allow us to. But we strive to be part of it, fighting in the sense I detailed before. We need to develop an open congress and grassroots committees of Unity List as a starting point to transform FIT in an anti-imperialist front of all the left, and adding TPR and all the organizations that support Left Front to it, in order to make revolutionary trend prevails over the opportunistic and democratizing one.

Juan Marino
Translated by Lionel Zivals

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